EPIC Financial Strategies is a trade name referring to EPIC Insurance Services, LLC. All references to “EPIC” contained in this video pertain to EPIC Insurance Services, LLC.
Robert Gill is not in the business of providing investment advice and specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence, either directly or indirectly, through the use of any of the information contained in this video. Also, Robert Gill, in his appearance on various social media platforms, does NOT provide ANY legal, accounting, securities, investment or tax advice, and the opinions he shares are not intended to be a substitute for meeting with professional advisors. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of competent, licensed and certified professionals should be sought. In addition, Robert Gill does not endorse ANY specific investments, financial advisors or securities brokerage firms. Robert Gill is not a securities-licensed professional, financial planner or investment advisor.
Where return on investment is discussed or referenced by the presenter or in the written materials, the figures used are for illustration purposes only, and are not intended to indicate that an investment in any particular investment or investment sector will necessarily generate any specific return.
Before making any investment or other significant financial decision, viewers should consult with qualified and licensed professionals, who will assess the appropriateness of the decision in light of each individual’s specific goals, experiences and financial status.